Pepsi Max X Connect Creators

We teamed up with Pepsi Max on their “You Probs Prefer Pepsi Max” campaign, activated at the iconic Reading Festival. The aim was to inspire people to step out of their beverage comfort zones and embrace their authentic love for the exceptional taste of Pepsi Max.

We selected three outstanding talents, Zayn Farooqui, Ethan Aveiro and Formz each from different content verticals, spanning across sports, lifestyle, and music, to create engaging content that would resonate with their individual audiences.

Zayn and Ethan vlogged their exciting experience at Reading Festival at the Pepsi Max pop-up and posted with the Pepsi Max summer filter across their Instagram accounts. Their vlogs and content not only showcased their authentic love for the drink but also highlighted how Pepsi Max enabled them to have the best summer festival experience possible.

Meanwhile, Formz took to the streets, conducting engaging vox-pop interviews that challenged people with the question: “How many people in the UK prefer Pepsi Max?”. By engaging the public in this debate, this effectively spread the campaign’s message far and wide. Formz also posted a TikTok video featuring the summer filter, encouraging his audience to use the filter, adding an element of fun and engagement to the campaign.

This campaign generated impressive results with all content surpassing the average industry engagement rate, and Formz’s single TikTok alone reaching a staggering 1.8 million people, creating buzz and sparking huge amounts of awareness around the campaign.

The stats shown below are across all content posted on TikTok and Instagram.






